2025 Britt Member Benefits Guide

Photo: James Montes De Oca

Welcome to Britt’s 2025 Season!

Summer evenings in Jacksonville wouldn’t be complete without the wonderful performances at Britt! There’s a unique spirit at Britt when we gather as a community and share in a memorable night of performance on the Hill. Your membership contributions help to produce our signature mix of hand-crafted concerts and educational programs, creating inspirational and engaging experiences for our community.

In appreciation of your support, Britt membership offers a variety of benefits, all aimed at enhancing your Britt Experience. This guide is designed to help you get the most out of your membership, providing an overview of your member benefits, as well as helpful hints regarding policies and accessing your benefits during the member presale.

If you have any questions about your benefits, visit or call our office and let our friendly and knowledgeable staff assist you. Contact boxoffice@brittfest.org or 541-773-6077. In addition, visit our website, brittfest.org, for information on artists and much more.

Acknowledgements & Member-only Communications

(All members)


All members are acknowledged for their contribution and support in Britt’s Season Playbill.


We want our members to be in touch. Britt will communicate via email for most member communications, including concert additions and changes, the Britt Buzz e-newsletter, special events and other important messages. Don’t miss out! Please make sure we have your email address on file by including it on your order.

2025 Member Presale

Season Announcements in 2025

Concerts will be announced in Spring 2025 (dates to come), making it easier to plan your summer. Each announcement includes a members-only presale beginning February 14th, March 14th & April 11th 2025.

NOTE: For your protection, your online ticket orders will be processed through Britt's secure server. All information you submit to us, including your credit card number, will be encrypted to ensure complete safety and confidentiality.


During the member presale periods, purchase of reserved tickets is limited, per concert, depending on level of membership (see below). Limits include reserved benches, premium reserved blankets (one blanket equals two or four tickets), standing room only (SRO) tickets, or any combination. Additional restrictions may apply for some popular events (see order form or visit www.brittfest.org). There are no purchase limits on general lawn.

Director’s Circle ($10,000): 8 Reserved
Leadership Circle ($5000): 8 Reserved
Gold Circle ($3000): 8 Reserved
Benefactor ($1250): 8 Reserved
Clef Club ($750): 8 Reserved
Donor ($300): 6 Reserved
Patron ($150): 6 Reserved

Member Presale Tips

You must be a current 2024 member. If you haven’t already paid, just include your membership contribution when ordering tickets.

Have your completed ticket order at the Britt office on or before the first day of processing to ensure the best chance for tickets and seating preferences.

Tell us if you will accept lawn seating when reserved seats or premium reserved blankets are not available. We will not substitute with lawn tickets unless you specify that option on the ticket order form. If paying by check, the difference will be posted to your Britt account.

Include your payment. Orders may be delayed if they do not include payment, the $7 processing fee, are inaccurate or incomplete.

Add your name to the members-only waitlist in case the tickets you order are not available.

Concierge Ticketing Services

(Director’s Circle & Leadership Circle)

Receive priority service when it comes to your ticketing needs. Please call the Britt Box Office at 541-773-6077 or contact Director of Patron Services Chrissie Middleton directly at 541-690-3832 or at chrissie.middleton@brittfest.org.

Season Reserved Seats

(Director’s Circle, Leadership Circle & Gold Circle)

Gold Circle members and above can purchase two reserved seats for the season, allowing you to have the same seats all summer long (some exceptions may apply). Please contact Director of Patron Services Chrissie Middleton, at 541-690-3832 or at chrissie.middleton@brittfest.org to identify available seats. You may contact Chrissie at any time before the member presale begins. Once you’ve identified which seats you’d like, those seats will be held for you through your level of member presale. Performances that you do not purchase seats for during the presale for your level will be released once the Benefactor level presale begins.

Ticket Discounts

(Director’s Circle, Leadership Circle, Gold Circle, Benefactor, Clef Club, Donor, Patron)

Members will receive per-ticket discount(s) based on membership level when they become a member. The amount of the discounts are based on membership level (see below). Discounts may be used to purchase tickets to any concerts on the Britt Main Stage. Discounts may not be used for special events.

Ticket Discounts must be used towards ticket purchases within the membership year (November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023). No cash value. Discounts may only be applied towards main stage concerts.

Director's Circle: 20 ticket discounts of $25 each ($500)
Leadership Circle: 12 ticket discounts of $25 each ($300) 

Gold Circle: 8 ticket discounts of $25 each ($200)
Benefactor: 5 ticket discounts of $25 each ($125)
Clef Club: 2 ticket discounts of $25 each ($50)
Donor: 1 ticket discount of $25
Patron: 1 ticket discount of $15

Reserved Parking, Blankets & Picnic Tables

(Director’s Circle, Leadership Circle, Gold Circle, Benefactor & Clef Club)


The parking lot located at the top of Fir Street near gate #3 is member reserved parking. You may reserve one spot per event, subject to availability. Up to 55 reservations per event are available.

To order reserved parking, check the box provided on the order form next to the performance. A separate ticket marked “PARKING” will be included with your other tickets and this will be your pass into the lot. You should have one for every event for which your parking is confirmed. If you forgot to request parking on your initial order, call the box office prior to the day of the performance to reserve a space. Late reservations will require you to stop by the box office in Jacksonville to pick up a special admittance “PARKING” ticket to the lot.

If you requested parking and did not receive a “PARKING” ticket, this means your name has been put on a wait list and you will be notified if a space opens up.

IMPORTANT: Once the concert begins, the street is closed, the lot is locked and vehicles are not allowed to leave until the end of the show. Latecomers cannot be admitted to the lot. There are no exceptions.


Member blankets are the blue tarps (lettered A-K) located on the lawn directly behind the reserved seat sections (see your order form for the location of each blanket). Each of the 10 member blankets seat up to four patrons. Each patron must hold a lawn seat ticket. You will want to bring your own blanket to cover that spot upon arrival.

You may reserve up to one blanket space per performance, subject to availability. Reservations must be made prior to the day of the performance.

If you requested a blanket when purchasing your lawn tickets you will receive a special ticket marked “BLANKET” with your lawn tickets confirming your blanket location for that event.

If you requested a blanket and did not receive a “BLANKET” ticket, this means your name has been put on a member wait list for blankets. We will add up to 20 people on the blanket wait list for each event and you will be notified if one becomes available. Please indicate on your order form if you will accept general lawn seating without a blanket reservation, or if you would prefer reserved seating instead.


Ten picnic tables (per event) located at the top of the hill are available for reservation, subject to availability.
You may request to reserve a picnic table when ordering your tickets by checking the box provided on the order form next to the performance. You will receive a special ticket marked “PICNIC TABLE” as confirmation of your reservation for each event requested. If you requested a picnic table and did not receive a “PICNIC TABLE” ticket, this means your name has been put on a member wait list. We will take up to ten requests on the waitlist per event and you will be notified if one becomes available.

Early Entry Gate

(Director’s Circle, Leadership Circle, Gold Circle, Benefactor, Clef Club & Donor)

Donor members and above will be able to enter the Britt park on concert nights at 5:45 PM (about 15 minutes before the general public) unless otherwise noted in the season schedule.

Members will be issued Early Entry tickets which will provide access to the early entry gate.

Member Hospitality Deck

(Director’s Circle, Leadership Circle, Gold Circle, Benefactor & Clef Club)

The Member Hospitality Deck is located just inside the main entrance of the Britt hill. We invite you to stop by at each concert to enjoy a tasting of some of the Rogue Valley’s best beverage purveyors and socialize with other members. The hospitality deck will open at 6 pm and will close at Intermission.

Britt Festival Orchestra Season Benefits

(Director’s Circle, Leadership Circle, Gold Circle & Benefactor)

The rehearsal pass is your invitation to a “behind the scenes” Britt Experience, where you’ll see/hear the live creative process unfold as over 100 artists make musical magic right before your eyes.

If you would like a rehearsal pass of your own, contact development@brittfest.org

Britt Festival Orchestra Lawn Pass (by request - subject to availability)

Access to Premium Reserved Blanket for Britt Festival Orchestra performances (by request - subject to availability)

To take advantage of these benefits, please contact the Britt Box Office to make your request.

Premium Reserved Blankets

(All patrons)

The lawn area between regular reserved seating and the stage will be sold as premium reserved blanket seating for most concerts. Policies are as follows:

  • There will be up to 30 Premium Reserved Blanket spaces in front of the stage for most concerts. Patrons may request specific blanket locations when making a blanket purchase; however, if the blanket requested is not available or no specific request is made, best available will be given. View a seating chart.
  • The premium lawn blanket area is sectioned off and numbered. Twenty-four spaces (5’x7’) will be priced for four people (purchaser will receive four tickets). Six spaces (5’x3.5’) will be priced for two people (purchaser will receive two tickets). The price of the blanket remains the same, even if there are fewer people occupying the blanket than the maximum number allowed. Patrons should bring their own blanket to cover the lawn space.
  • Premium lawn blanket spaces may be purchased up to one hour before the gates open, subject to availability.
  • If all 30 blanket spaces are purchased, there will be no general admission seating in front of the stage.
  • Any premium reserved blanket spaces that are not sold one hour before the gates open will be available as general admission seating, on a first-come, first-served basis. Note: space guidelines and patron numbers per space still apply.
  • Please note, artist management reserves the right to place barriers in front of the stage. As a result, some premium reserved blanket seating could have a partially obstructed view.

Standing Room Only

Due to the nature of some performances, dancing is expected and may disrupt blanket seating in front of the stage. For these performances, this area will be sold as STANDING ROOM ONLY (SRO) at premium lawn pricing.

Want to see a summary of Member Benefits?

How To Order

ONLINE ORDERS: brittfest.org

MAIL ORDERS: P.O. Box 1124 Medford, OR 97501

EMAIL ORDERS: boxoffice@brittfest.org

TELEPHONE ORDERS: 541-773-6077 or 800-882-7488

COUNTER ORDERS: 216 W. Main Street, Medford
Hours: M-F, 9 AM-5 PM

Please note, Britt does not work with any outside websites to sell tickets, and does not work with any ticket sellers who mark up ticket prices, including sites like StubHub, Cheap Concert Tickets or Tickets Review.

Legitimate tickets can only be purchased through the Britt Box Office or online at brittfest.org.

Ticket Exchanges & Wait List

(All member levels)

Ticket exchanges must be made through the Britt box office no less than seven days prior to the performance. A $2 fee per ticket will be charged for exchanges. There are no cash refunds for price differentials; instead a credit will be put on your Britt account, which can be used to purchase tickets to other performances, gift certificates or memberships. An exchange credit applied this year will be forfeited as a donation to Britt Music & Arts Festival unless it is used before the end of the following season.

(All member levels)

When ordering reserved seating, you may request to be put on the member wait list if tickets are not available. You may also accept lawn seating and still be placed on the wait list for reserved seating. If reserved seating becomes available, we will contact those on the list, and you may exchange your lawn for reserved seating at that time. Clef Club level and above are given priority. There is a $2 exchange fee per ticket and payment for the price difference will be processed at the time the exchange is made. On sold-out performances, there is also a wait list for general admission lawn tickets.

Britt’s Alcohol Policy


Britt Music & Arts Festival is licensed under ORS 471.178. Under these regulations, patrons may bring wine or beer into the Britt Park (no hard alcohol) during Britt Festival Orchestra concerts. Under OLCC guidelines, no open wine or beer containers will be allowed to leave the venue. In compliance with OLCC regulations, bags, coolers, and other items may be subject to search as patrons enter the park.

Britt or its artists reserve the right to prohibit wine or beer (any alcohol) from coming into the Britt grounds for select concerts.

Outside Alcohol is allowed during the Britt Festival Orchestra performances that are held on the Britt property. Only bring in an amount that you can safely consume.

Wine and beer will be available for purchase at all Britt shows.


Britt Ticket Policies

Performer Receptions & Backstage Tours

(Director’s Circle, Leadership Circle, Gold Circle & Benefactor)

Watch for your exclusive invitation to special “Meet the Artist” receptions.

Fine Arts Poster

(Director’s Circle, Leadership Circle, Gold Circle, Benefactor, Clef Club & Donor)

Clef Club members and above will be invited to the annual Fine Arts Poster unveiling reception in April and will receive a signed copy of the new season poster. Donor members receive an unsigned copy of the Fine Arts poster, which can be picked up at the Britt offices in Medford after the unveiling.