Support Britt

For more than 60 years, the non-profit Britt Music & Arts Festival has been bringing some of the world's best musicians and entertainers to our idyllic open-air venue in Jacksonville. It costs a lot of money to bring these performing artists to the Britt stage. With ticket sales accounting for approximately 60% of Britt's annual operating revenue, the balance of needed funds is secured through charitable donations. We thank the people and businesses who support Britt through generous membership contributions and gifts to our endowment, education and concert sponsorship programs. Without continued support from the entire community, Britt would cease to exist as you know us today.
Visit all of the pages listed in the Membership & Support tabs at the top of the page to learn more about the various Britt membership and giving programs.
Connect with Britt: Become a Member
To purchase a Membership Gift for someone else, contact / 541-773-6077
Ticket Discounts
You receive per-ticket discount(s) based on membership level when you become a member.
Multiple Announcements for the Season
Each announcement will include a members-only presale.
For more Membership details, visit our Membership page
Peter Britt Gardens Arts and Music Festival Association receives support from the Oregon Arts Commission, a state agency funded by the State of Oregon and the National Endowment for the Arts.